I can put items I need on my rollator add hot drink bottle of water biscuits etc even my mobile and do just one trip. Gives me independence and confidence C. KELLY
Excellent. I wish we'd bought one sooner. It would have been such a help to our elderly dog. As it is it is so much easier for us to go in and out of the back door with a smaller step down. DIANA
I am 76 and find getting into and out of the bath difficult...this does the job just right. The feet have rubbers on and the anti slip top makes one feel safe MALCOLM
Brilliant especially if you are a little stiff in the joints just what I needed to help me when showering it exfoliates the skin leaving me feeling clean and fresh DORA FAY
The light is useful when the room you are in is lit from behind so it doesnt cast a shadow. It is flexible and easy to adjust. The magnifier helps when doing needlework SHANNON H.