
Toenail Soft

Toenail Soft


    Consumer Verdict
    Does as it says. Soften the nails results show in a short time if used regularly MRS LINDA MC MARR
    Miracure? Anti-Fungal Treatment
      Consumer Verdict
      5 stars... It certainly is working on my husbands foot problem and so easy to apply HOOPSKI
      In-Growing Toenail Clippers
        Consumer Verdict
        Always had trouble with in-growing toenails on my big toes... these clippers handled well I have not had any trouble since J. D. H.
        Battery-Operated Automatic Nail Trimmer
          Consumer Verdict
          I have always had problems keeping the nails on my right hand in neat trim being right handed This device does it so easily neatly and cleanly my toe nails are a doddle as well ROGER
          Easy Grip Chiropody Nail Clippers
            Lightweight Diabetic Socks Pack Of 2
              Consumer Verdict
              Excellent fit for my dads swollen feet from diabetes good colour choices JENNY
              Foldaway Foot Spa
                Consumer Verdict
                Very well made good size very stable easy to carry and great features like heating the water and folds very nicely for storage ELI G.
                Electronic Manicure and Pedicure Set
                  Consumer Verdict
                  5 stars. My one regret is that I've waited so long before making this purchase offers all of the features of a salon quality manicure at home or on the go. NADIA
                  Extra-Wide Top Knee Highs - 2 Pairs
                    Consumer Verdict
                    At last pop socks that dont strangle my shins! ADRIANA
                    Foot Brush

                    Foot Brush


                      Foot Cleaning Brush Set