Boost Pure Canned Oxygen - Large 9L
Consumer Verdict
As soon as I breathed it in I felt uplifted and energised. I started to sleep better had more energy and the eye bags disappeared. My partner says I am calmer and less grumpy too SUE CLIFFORD ORPINGTON MAIL ONLINE
Gin Gins® Hard Ginger Candy Sweets - 3 x 150g
    Consumer Verdict
    I thought I should tell you how much better my life has been since using your product. I use it for stomach pain if I ever felt like I am having an attack I take a couple of ginger chews my pain goes away M.G.
    Electric Hot Water Bottle
      Featherlight Walker
        Consumer Verdict
        Love this walker. So easy to use, lightweight, great seat. VALERIE THORNTON
        Sleeping Ear Buds
          Sleep Spray

          Sleep Spray


            Handheld Magnifier with 48 LEDs
              Consumer Verdict
              My father is 86 years old and can now read his newspaper properly. S. L.  
              Digital Thermometer
                Bluetooth Hearing Aid - Pair
                  Consumer Verdict
                  I can now take part in a conversation, and listen to the TV and Hi Fi without disturbing the neighbours and hear the birds singing when I’m gardening. R. STOBBS
                  NutriShield Monthly Supplements Pack in 1colour
                  NutriShield Monthly Supplements Pack
                    Consumer Verdict
                    As now approaching 90, my ageing process appears very favourable compared with contemporaries - even those less aged. L. COOPER 
                    Delay Ageing, Healthy to 100 Book in 1colour
                    Delay Ageing, Healthy to 100 Book
                      Consumer Verdict
                      I found it easy to follow and full of sensible advice. JEREMY
                      Air Compression Leg Massager in 1colour
                      Air Compression Leg Massager
                        Consumer Verdict
                        Massages the legs and eases the pain from hardening of arteries, tricky to initially work out which leg goes where, but worth the effort, just mark L and R. GRAHAM ISAAC
                        Lavender Pillow Spray
                          Breathe Pillow Spray
                            Pure Magnesium Citrate Powder in 1colour
                            Pure Magnesium Citrate Powder
                              Consumer Verdict
                              Great product for pain as well as overall mental health. I spray it on bottom of my feet for best absorption. JAY
                              Copper Warming Sleeves
                                Consumer Verdict
                                This has helped me get back on the road of recovery from my muscle strain. I highly recommend these for anyone dealing with pain in the elbow biceps and triceps CHRIS H.
                                Magnifying LED Glasses
                                  Consumer Verdict
                                  They fit over existing prescribed lens quite comfortably and are a big help reading small print FRANCIS MAFFITT
                                  Organic Lavender Pillow Spray
                                    Consumer Verdict
                                    Great for falling quickly into a pleasant sleep ROGER
                                    Portable EMS Foot Massager
                                      Consumer Verdict
                                      Feels strange until you get used to it. Feels like youve done a workout. I get a lot of muscle tension and it helps with this CAZZA
                                      Good Posture Walking Cane
                                        Consumer Verdict
                                        Just that extra help to keep walking helps to be upright for longer MARIE
                                        Leg & Foot Massager for Circulation
                                          Consumer Verdict
                                          Since using this massager my ankles are better and my legs better. I am active consistently as a gardener so this was the extra stimulation I needed JENNIE GRAINGER
                                          Miracure? Anti-Fungal Treatment
                                            Consumer Verdict
                                            5 stars... It certainly is working on my husbands foot problem and so easy to apply HOOPSKI
                                            Rechargeable Allergy Reliever
                                              Consumer Verdict
                                              I’ve had this for two days - I use it three times a day and I have to be honest, all of my symptoms are GONE. COL
                                              Glucosamine Joint Patches with Vitamin C
                                                Consumer Verdict
                                                Love this product!!! Was introduced to it by a friend when I had bad joint pain I have since introduced it to loads of friends and family who also love it!! Would recommend this item to anyone with joint/muscle pain AMY